District Administration fails to invite Tura MDC to the Republic Day celebration

Tura, Jan 26,2025:Tura MDC Bernard N.Marak expressed his disappointment for not being invited to the Republic Day celebration in Tura. The State Authorities celebrating the Republic Day in a Hill area forgot to invite the Constitutionally elected MDC who represented the Hill people of the Autonomous District Council.

The MDC did not get any invitation to attend the Republic Day Celebration in Tura, which has become a routine and deliberate mistake of the officers in Tura. District Administration, every year forgot to send invitation to the MDC who represented the Hill people of the Hill area alleged Marak.

District Administration failed to acknowledge the fact that they are functioning in the Hill area and tribal leaders should be part of every celebration in the Hill area. District Administration dishonour the constitutionally elected representatives of the Autonomous District Council, needs proper clarification. District Administration treat the elected MDCs like an outsider, which is demeaning and discrimination of the Authority of the tribal leaders he added.



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